Presented as a starlet by Fox, Cashin frequently
was photographed in her studio. Sketches for her off-screen fashions
are seen in the background, 1945.
7th avenue, the glamour division,
and ponchos, 1937-1949
Cashin became so recognized that she was commissioned to design,
and add designer cachet to, World War II Civilian Defense Uniforms.
Capitalizing on her fame and charismatic, working woman persona,
Coca-Cola featured her in a wartime campaign. Despite her recognition,
then rare for a designer "in the back" of a dress manufacturing
firm, she disliked her safe berth and entertained several offers
from Hollywood. In the fall of 1942 she returned to California
to become a designer in the "glamour division" at Twentieth Century-Fox.
Century-Fox film costume and one-off fashion designs, 1943-1949