2 The Multi-Dimensional Mirror
The world was created in dialogue between the Mirror (God) and the Reflection (the material world).
Reality consists primarily as a reflection of consciousness in the dual-mirror that is comprised of the physical and metaphysical realms. On either side of the dual-mirror, there are four elements: Reason (logic), Soul (heart), Action (inner intention), and Passivity (outer intention).
Reason and Action relate to the physical world.
Soul and Passivity relate to the metaphysical world.
The world we experience agrees with us and dodges us at the same time. In other words, it acts like a mirror. It literally reflects all our notions of reality, whatever they may be.
There’s no point in searching for an absolute truth. Like Kierkegaard said, truth is subjectivity. It’s better to accept that reality is a dual mirror. It has a physical aspect, the material world, and a metaphysical aspect, the non-physical realm which exists beyond the limits of our five-sensory perception but is as objectively real as the material world.