Jessica Holada
Since receiving a degree in art history, Jessica Holada has produced both unique and small-edition artists' books and has created and exhibited photographs taken with traditional and toy cameras. She has worked at the Getty Research Institute and at the Cotsen Children's Library and is currently attending UCLA's Graduate School of Education and Information Studies. In 1999 she launched Twopence Coloured Press, a solo effort, as well as Shotgun Press, a collaborative venture based in Los Angeles.
On Exhibit
Crooked Card Players
Los Angeles, 1998
Mixed media, rubber-stamped text
"Evocative sentences, cryptic nomenclature, curious imagery ... these together make loose, light, elusive narratives, which I believe transcend their intended forms. In Crooked Card Players, I hope to reveal not only a sophisticated method of deception but to hint at how gestures functions as a silent means of communication."
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