Contents | Foreword | Preface | Faithful to the Star on Each Other's Foreheads |


William S. Burroughs

Books and Pamphlets | Bibliography, Biography, and Criticism | Foreign Translations | Records and Tapes | Miscellaneous

Entries for items included in the Allan H. Kurtzman Collection of Beat Literature are preceded with an asterisk (*).

Books and Pamphlets

The Adding Machine: Selected Essays. 1st American ed. New York: Seaver Books, 1986; distributed by H. Holt.

* Ah Pook Is Here, and Other Texts. London: J. Calder, 1979.

Ali's Smile. Brighton, England: Unicorn Books, 1971. Includes 1 sound recording and 1 audiocassette.

No. 12 in an edition of 99 numbered and signed copies.

* Ali's Smile/Naked Scientology. 1st ed. Bonn: Expanded Media Editions, c1978.

Blade Runner (A Movie). Berkeley, Calif.: Blue Wind Press, 1979.

* The Book of Breeething. Illustrated by Robert F. Gale. 1st ed. Berkeley, Calif: Blue Wind Press, 1975.

* Brion Gysin Let the Mice In. With Brion Gysin and Ian Sommerville. Edited by Jan Herman. West Glover, Vt.: Something Else Press, 1973.

* The Burroughs File. San Francisco: City Lights Books, 1984.

The Cat Inside. Drawings by Brion Gysin. New York: Grenfell Press, 1986.

No. 76 of 115 copies bound in quarter vellum with red-and-black hand-painted paper over boards. Signed by the author and the illustrator.

* Cities of the Red Night. 1st ed. New York: Holt, Rinehart, and Winston, c1981.

* Cobble Stone Gardens. 1st ed. Cherry Valley, N.Y.: Cherry Valley Editions, c1976.

* Dead Fingers Talk. London: John Calder, 1963.

Dead Fingers Talk. London: Tandem, 1970.

* The Dead Star. (Nova Broadcast, 5) San Francisco: Nova Broadcast Press, 1969.

Doctor Benway: A Passage from The Naked Lunch. With a new introduction by the author. Santa Barbara, Calif: Bradford Morrow, 1979.

No. 35 of 150 numbered copies signed by the author and bound in cloth and boards.

* Early Routines. 1st ed. Santa Barbara, Calif: Cadmus Editions, 1981.

No. 24 of 125 numbered copies signed by the author, with portrait by David Hockney on upper board.

Electronic Revolution, 1970-71. Cover and original drawings by Brion Gysin; French translation by Jean Chopin. London: H. Chopin, 1971. English and French. One of 500 numbered copies.

Entretiens avec William Burroughs. By Daniel Odier. (Collection Entretiens) Paris: P. Belfond, 1969.

True 1st ed. of The Job: Interviews with William Burroughs.

* The Exterminator. With Brion Gysin. San Francisco: Auerhahn Press, 1960.

* Exterminator! A Novel. New York: Viking Press, 1973.

Exterminator! A Novel. London: Calder and Boyars, 1974.

* Exterminator! A Novel. New York: Penguin Books, 1979.

The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse/Die vier apokalyptischen Reiter. Illustrated by Christof Kohlhöfer. 1st German ed. Bonn: Expanded Media Editions, c1984. German and English.

"Speech delivered 1980 at the occasion of the Institute of Ecotechnics' '1980 Planet Earth Conference' in Aix-en-Provence."

* Health Bulletin: APO-33, A Metabolic Regulator. A Report on the Synthesis of the Apomorphine Formula. (Burroughs Monograph, I) New York: Fug Press, 1965.

* If You Take Baloney and Cut It Yup You Get Baloney: This Is Gestalt Spelled Backwards. N.p., 1964.

* Interzone. New York: Viking, 1989.

The Job: Interview with William Burroughs. By Daniel Odier. London: Jonathan Cape, 1970.

Translation of Entretiens avec William Burroughs, rev. and enl.

* The Job: Interviews with William S. Burroughs. By Daniel Odier. New York: Grove Press, 1970. Translation of Entretiens avec William Burroughs, rev. and enl.

The Job: Interviews with William S. Burroughs. By Daniel Odier. Rev. and enl. ed., including "Playback from Eden to Watergate" and "Electronic Revolution, 1970-71." (An Evergreen Book) New York: Grove Press, 1974; distributed by Random House.

Junkie. New York: Ace Books, 1953. With Maurice Helbrant's Narcotic Agent.

* Junkie. (Ace Star Book, K202) New York: Ace Books, c1953.

* Junkie. (The Olympia Press Traveller's Companion Series, no. 114) London: New English Library, 1966, c1953.

* Junky. With an introduction by Allen Ginsberg. 1st complete and unexpurgated ed. New York: Penguin Books, 1977.

The Last Words of Dutch Schultz. London: Cape Goliard Press, 1970.

The Last Words of Dutch Schultz: A Fiction in the Form of a Film Script. New York: Viking, 1975.

The Last Words of Dutch Schultz: A Fiction in the Form of a Film Script. 1st paperbound ed. New York: Seaver Books, 1981, c1975; distributed by Grove Press.

The Letters of William S. Burroughs. Vol. 1: 1945-1959. Edited and with an introduction by Oliver Harris. New York: Viking, 1993.

Letters to Allen Ginsberg, 1953-1957. New York: Full Court Press, c1982.

My Education: A Book of Dreams. New York: Viking, 1995.

* The Naked Lunch. (Traveller's Companion Series, no. 76) Paris: Olympia Press, 1959. Ex libris Stanley Fleischman.

* Naked Lunch. New York: Grove Press, c1959.

The Naked Lunch. (The Traveller's Companion Series, 76) Paris: Olympia Press, 1965, c1959.

Naked Lunch. (An Evergreen Black Cat Book, BC-115) New York: Grove Press, 1966, c1959.

Naked Lunch. With an introduction by Jennie Skerl. 25th anniversary ed. New York: Grove Press, 1984, c1959.

The Naked Lunch. London: Paladin, 1986, c1982.

Naked Lunch. 1st Evergreen ed. New York: Grove Weidenfeld, 1992, c1959.

* A New Way of Looking at the Universe: Scientology Revisited. N.p., n.d. "Reprinted from Mayfair magazine. . . ."

* Nova Express. New York: Grove Press, 1964.

Nova Express. London: Cape, 1966.

Nova Express. 1st Evergreen ed. New York: Grove Press, 1992.

Painting and Guns. (Hanuman Books, 46) Madras, India, and New York: Hanuman Books, c1992.

* The Place of Dead Roads. 1st ed. New York: Holt, Rinehart, and Winston, 1984, c1983.

The Place of Dead Roads. New York: Holt, Rinehart, and Winston, 1985, c1983.

* Port of Saints. Limited 1st ed. London: Covent Garden Press, 1973.

Port of Saints. Berkeley, Calif.: Blue Wind Press, 1980.

"This new edition . . . has been extensively rewritten and revised by the author."

* Queer. New York: Viking, 1985.

Queer. New York: Viking, 1987, c1985.

Queer. New York: Penguin Books, 1987, c1985.

The Retreat Diaries. With The Dream of Tibet by Allen Ginsberg. New York: City Moon, c1976.

"Printed in an edition of 2,000 copies with a limited edition of 100 wrapt in a color jacket, 26 of them signed and numbered by the author."

* Roosevelt After Inauguration. Cover by Allen Ginsberg. New York: Fuck You Press, 1964.

Roosevelt After Inauguration and Other Atrocities. San Francisco: City Lights Books, c1979.

* Ruski. Brooklyn, N.Y.: Hand-Job Press, c1984. No. 415 of limited ed. of 500 copies.

* Snack. With Eric Mottram. London: Aloes Books, 1975.

Contains the transcript of a radio broadcast made in 1964 by E. Mottram, including passages of Burroughs reading from his work, and the transcript of a conversation in 1973 between Burroughs, Mottram, J. Pennington, and G. Dawes.

* So Who Owns Death TV? With Claude Pelieu and Carl Weissner. (A Black Bag Pamphlet) San Francisco: Beach Books, Texts, and Documents, c1967.

2 copies: one printed in silver on black paper, one printed in black and red on white paper.

* The Soft Machine. (The Traveller's Companion Series, no. 88) Paris: The Olympia Press, 1961.

The Soft Machine. New York: Grove Press, 1966.

* The Soft Machine. 1st Evergreen Black Cat ed. (An Evergreen Black Cat Book, BC-131) New York: Grove Press, 1967, c1961.

The Soft Machine: A Novel. Rev. ed. London: Calder and Boyars, 1968.

* The Soft Machine. London: Corgi Books, 1970 (1974 printing).

The Soft Machine. New York: Grove Press, 1992.

The Soft Machine; Nova Express; The Wild Boys: Three Novels. With an epilogue by Allen Ginsberg and an interview with William Burroughs. 1st Black Cat ed. New York: Grove Press, 1980; distributed by Random House.

* The Streets of Chance. Drawings by Howard Buchwald. New York: Red Ozier Press, c1981.

Limited ed. of 160 copies: no. 67, signed by the author and the illustrator.

Textes. With Claude Pelieu and Bob Kaufman. Translated by Mary Beach and Claude Pelieu. (Herne, 9) Paris: Editions de l'Herne, 1967.

* The Third Mind. With Brion Gysin. New York: Viking Press, 1978.

* The Third Mind. With Brion Gysin. London: J. Calder, 1979.

* The Ticket That Exploded. (The Traveller's Companion Series, no. 91) Paris: Olympia Press, 1962.

Signed by the author; presentation copy to Ted Berrigan.

* The Ticket That Exploded. New York: Grove Press, 1967.

The Ticket That Exploded. New ed. London: Calder and Boyars, 1968.

The Ticket That Exploded. 2d ed. London: Calder, 1985.

The Ticket That Exploded. New York: Grove Press, 1987.

The Ticket That Exploded. 1st Evergreen ed. New York: Grove Press, 1987, c1967.

* Time. With 4 drawings by Brion Gysin. New York: 'C' Press, 1965.

Copy D of 10 copies lettered A-J, hardbound, each containing an original manuscript page by Burroughs and an original drawing by Gysin, signed by both.

Tornado Alley. Illustrated by S. Clay Wilson. 1st ed. Cherry Valley, N.Y.: Cherry Valley Editions, 1989.

The Western Lands. New York: Viking, 1987.

The Western Lands. New York: Penguin Books, 1988, c1987.

White Subway. London: Aloes Books, 1973.

2 copies, one of which no. 8 of 25 numbered copies signed by the author.

The Wild Boys: A Book of the Dead. New York: Grove Press, 1971.

The Wild Boys: A Book of the Dead. London: Calder and Boyers, 1972, c1971.

The Wild Boys: A Book of the Dead. London: John Calder, 1982.

A William Burroughs Reader. Edited by John Calder. London: Picador, 1982.

* The Yage Letters. With Allen Ginsberg. San Francisco: City Lights Books, 1963.

The Yage Letters. With Allen Ginsberg. 2d ed. San Francisco: City Lights Books, 1975, c1963.


Bibliography, Biography, and Criticism

Ansen, Alan. William Burroughs: An Essay. Sudbury, Mass.: Water Row Press, 1986.

* Atticus Books. William S. Burroughs: The Hombre Invisible. (Catalogue, 8) San Diego, Calif.: Atticus Books, 1981.

* Bockris, Victor. With William Burroughs: A Report from the Bunker. 1st ed. New York: Seaver Books, 1981; distributed by Grove Press.

Finlayson, Iain. Tangier: City of the Dream. London: Flamingo, 1993, c1992.

A description of life in Tangier, Morocco, featuring Burroughs and Paul Bowles.

Garcia-Robles, Jorge. La bala perdida: William S. Burroughs en México (1949-1952). With the collaboration of James Grauerholz. Mexico City: Ediciones del Milenio, c1995.

Goodman, Michael B. Contemporary Literary Censorship: The Case History of Burroughs' Naked Lunch. Metuchen, N.J.: Scarecrow Press, 1981.

­­­­­­. William S. Burroughs: An Annotated Bibliography of His Works and Criticism. (Garland Reference Library of the Humanities, vol. 24) New York: Garland, 1975.

Goodman, Michael B., and Lemuel B. Coley. William S. Burroughs: A Reference Guide. (Garland Reference Library of the Humanities, vol. 635) New York: Garland, 1990.

Grunberg, Serge. "A la recherche d'un corps": Langage et silence dans l'oeuvre de William S. Burroughs. (Fiction & Cie Essai/Seuil) Paris: Seuil, c1979.

* [Kurtzman, Allan H., comp.] [A Collection of Printed Material about William Burroughs, Allen Ginsberg, and Michael McClure, ca. 1965-]. 6 oversize archival boxes.

Lemaire, Gérard-Georges. Burroughs. (Les Plumes du Temps, 22) Paris: Artefact, c1986.

­­­­­­, ed. Le colloque de Tanger: A l'occasion de la venue de William S. Burroughs et de Brion Gysin a Geneve: Geneve . . . 24-28 Septembre, 1975. Paris: C. Bourgois, 1976. French and English.

Lydenberg, Robin. Word Cultures: Radical Theory and Practice in William S. Burroughs' Fiction. Urbana, Ill.: University of Illinois Press, c1987.

* Maynard, Joe, and Barry Miles, comps. William S. Burroughs: A Bibliography, 1953(73: Unlocking Inspector Lee's Word Hoard. Charlottesville, Va.: Published for the Bibliographical Society of the University of Virginia by the University Press of Virginia, 1978.

Miles, Barry. William Burroughs: El Hombre Invisible. London: Virgin, 1992.

­­­­­­. William Burroughs: El Hombre Invisible: A Portrait. 1st ed. New York: Hyperion, c1993.

* Miles Associates, comp. A Descriptive Catalogue of the William S. Burroughs Archive. Compiled by Miles Associates for William Burroughs and Brion Gysin. London: Covent Garden Press, 1973.

Limited ed. of 226 copies signed by Burroughs, Brion Gysin, and Barry Miles.

Morgan, Ted. Literary Outlaw: The Life and Times of William S. Burroughs. 1st ed. New York: H. Holt, c1988.

* Mottram, Eric. William Burroughs: The Algebra of Need. 1st ed. (Beau Fleuve Series, no. 2) Buffalo, N.Y.: Intrepid Press, 1971.

No. 99 of 100 numbered and signed copies.

* ­­­­­­. William Burroughs: The Algebra of Need. London: M. Boyars, 1977.

Murphy, Timothy Sean. Wising Up the Marks: Amodernism in the Work of William S. Burroughs and Gilles Deleuze. Ph.D. diss., UCLA, 1994.

Skerl, Jennie. William S. Burroughs. (Twayne's United States Authors Series, TUSAS 438) Boston: Twayne Publishers, c1985.

Skerl, Jennie, and Robin Lydenberg, eds. William S. Burroughs at the Front: Critical Reception, 1959-1989. Carbondale, Ill.: Southern Illinois University Press, c1991.

Vale, ed. William S. Burroughs; Brion Gysin; Throbbing Gristle. San Francisco: Re/search Publications, c1982.

Special book issue (no. 4/5) of Re/search.

Whitmer, Peter O., and Bruce VanWyngarden. Aquarius Revisited: Seven Who Created the Sixties Counterculture That Changed America: William Burroughs, Allen Ginsberg, Ken Kesey, Timothy Leary, Norman Mailer, Tom Robbins, Hunter S. Thompson. New York: Macmillan, c1987.

Witschel, Gnnter. Rausch und Rauschgift bei Baudelaire, Huxley, Benn, und Burroughs. Bonn: Bouvier, 1968.


Foreign Translations

El almuerzo desnudo. 1st ed. (Azanca: Narrativa Contemporanea, 17) Madrid: Ediciones Júcar, 1978.
Catalan translation of Naked Lunch by Martín Léndinez.

Exterminador. 1st ed. Madrid: Ediciones Júcar, 1976.
Spanish translation of Exterminator! by Martín Léndinez.

Le Job: Entretiens avec Daniel Odier. Preface by Gérard-Georges Lemaire. Aug. and rev. ed. by Philippe Mikriammos. (Collection Entretiens) Paris: P. Belfond, 1979.
French translation of The Job: Interviews with William S. Burroughs.

Nova Express. (Azanca, 5 [i.e., 6]) Madrid: Las Ediciones de los Papeles de Son Armadans, 1973. Spanish translation by Martín Léndinez.

Las ultimas palabras de Dutch Schultz. Valencia: Las Ediciones de los Papeles de Son Armadans, 1971, c1970.
Translation of The Last Words of Dutch Schultz by J. M. Alvarez Florez.

Yonqui: "Junkie." 4th ed. (Azanca, 16) Madrid: Ediciones Júcar, 1980.
Spanish translation of Junkie by Martín Léndinez.


Records and Tapes

Call Me Burroughs. Program notes in English by Emmett Williams and in French by Jean-Jacques Lebel on container. New York: ESP, [1968?]. Sound recording.


* The Coldspring News: All The News That Fits We Print; Sunday, September 17, 1899. N.p.: Fenian Head Centre Press, 1964. Broadside.

2 copies: one with copyright statement; one without date and copyright statement.

Concrete and Buckshot: William S. Burroughs, Paintings 1987-1996. Texts by Timothy Leary and Benjamin Weissman. Santa Monica, Calif.: Smart Art Press, 1996.

Ely, Roger, comp. The Final Academy: Statements of a Kind. London: The Final Academy, 1982.

"The Final Academy is presented by David Dawson, Roger Ely, and Genesis P-Orridge."

Exhibition Catalog for a Showing of William S. Burroughs Paintings at the Tony Shafrazi Gallery in New York City (December 19 through January 24, 1988). N.p., 1988.

* Gatewood, Charles. Sidetripping. With William S. Burroughs. New York: Strawberry Hill, c1975; distributed by Derbibooks.

Gysin, Brion. Here To Go: Planet R-101. Brion Gysin interviewed by Terry Wilson, with introduction and texts by William S. Burroughs and Brion Gysin. London: Quartet, 1985.

NO XMAS Magazine Presents: The Legendary William S. Burroughs [. . .] & Renown [sic] New York Poetry Innovator John Giorno [. . .] with Tao Chemical, 8 p.m. Wednesday, May 13, 1981 [. . .] Santa Cruz, Calif.: Greenhouse Review Press, 1981. Poster.

Painting. London: October Gallery, [1988?].

Catalog of an exhibition at Suzanne Biederberg Gallery.

* Valentine's Day Reading. New York: American Theatre for Poets, 1965. N.p., [1965?].

A mimeographed script for a reading presented at American Theatre for Poets on Feb. 14, 1965, at the East End Theatre in New York. Unnumbered page at end: "The Coldspring News, Sunday, Sept. 17, 1899 . . . On the back porch of his farm."

* Weissner, Carl. The Braille Film. With a counterscript by William S. Burroughs. San Francisco: Nova Broadcast Press, 1970.

* William Burroughs: Naked Lunch. Pub. Date: Nov. 20, 1962. New York: Grove Press, 1962.

Free advance publicity announcement. Contains reviews of and an excerpt from Naked Lunch. Reviews and comments by: Terry Southern, E. S. Seldon, John Ciardi, Norman Mailer, Robert Lowell, and Jack Kerouac.


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